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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 310 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Child care articles — Baby walking frames — Safety requirements and test methods
40.60 | |
Child care articles — General safety — Part 1: Safety philosophy and assessment
30.60 |
Child care articles — General safety — Part 2: Mechanical hazards
30.99 |
Child care articles — General safety — Part 3: Chemical hazards
20.00 |
Child care articles — General safety — Part 4: Thermal hazards
30.60 |
Child care articles — General safety — Part 5: Product information
20.00 |
Childcare articles: design guidance to reduce product-related hazards in the infant sleep environment
10.99 |
Wheeled child conveyances — Pushchairs and prams — Requirements and test methods
60.60 |
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