ISO 20301:2014 describes general characteristics of machine-readable cards used in the field of healthcare.
This International Standard is designed to confirm the identities of both the healthcare application provider and the healthcare cardholder in order that information can be exchanged by using cards issued for healthcare service.
This International Standard focuses on the machine-readable cards of ID-1 type defined in ISO/IEC 7810 that are issued for healthcare services provided in a service area that crosses the national borders of two or more countries/areas.
This International Standard applies directly or refers to existing ISO standards for the physical characteristics and recording techniques. Security issues follow the requirements of each healthcare card system.
In addition, this International Standard regulates the visual information written on the card.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2014-01Etapa: Cierre de la revisión [90.60]
Edición: 2Número de páginas: 12
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 215ICS :35.240.80
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Ciclo de vida
RetiradaISO 20301:2006