Reference number
ISO 16840-12:2021
International Standard
ISO 16840-12:2021
Wheelchair seating — Part 12: Envelopment and immersion characterization of seat cushions using a dual semispherical indenter
Edition 1
ISO 16840-12:2021
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 1, 2021)

ISO 16840-12:2021

ISO 16840-12:2021
CHF 98
Convertir Franco suizo (CHF) a tu moneda


This document specifies apparatus, test methods, and disclosure requirements for characterization of wheelchair seat cushion immersion and envelopment properties using indenters instrumented with pressure sensors.

This document expands the characterization of products intended to manage tissue integrity (ISO 16840‑2) and provides a standardized indenter for other wheelchair seating tests.

It does not provide information specific to cushion performance for a particular individual user, nor is it intended to characterize envelopment or immersion under higher loading conditions, nor to assess the weight capacity of a cushion.

This document includes a method that is specific to 220 mm and 255 mm indenters. Dimensions are provided for a 380 mm indenter to allow for extension of the method to larger patient simulation.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 2021-11
    : Norma Internacional publicada [60.60]
  •  : 1
     : 15
  • ISO/TC 173/SC 1
  • RSS actualizaciones

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