Proyecto de trabajo
ISO/WD 21111-12.2
Road vehicles — In-vehicle Ethernet — Part 12: Electrical 1000-Mbit/s Ethernet transmission media, channel, assemblies and tests1000BASE-T1, UTP and STP class 1
Reference number
ISO/WD 21111-12.2
Edition 1
Proyecto de trabajo
ISO/WD 21111-12.2
Un grupo de trabajo ha preparado un borrador.


The intention of this specification is to present the general RF requirements for a physical layer communication channel according to Figure enable 1000BASE-T1 technology using unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables and shielded twisted pair (STP Class 1) cables for Automotive Ethernet applications. These requirements are related to signal integrity and EMC behaviour of the communication channel. "The link segment requirements for 1000BASE-T1 using unshielded twisted cable and 1000BASE-T1 using shielded twisted pair cable (with the exception of balance (mode conversion), as EMC relevant parameters are covered by defining balance, coupling- and screening attenuation requirements instead.) according to Figure shall be met." The qualification of unshielded/shielded cabling systems and components shall be done under well-defined setup, in order to make results comparable. This document defines various parameters to be tested for the complete communication channel between two Ethernet nodes, for cable assemblies. It contains test procedures, test setups and electrical requirements and shall be used as a standardized common scale for the evaluation of complete channels, cable assemblies. For cables and connectors as single components of this communication channel, applicable part of ISO 8092 and ISO 19642 apply. Electrical requirements on the communication channel are also stated in the Figure. Other functional requirements such as mechanical and climatic stress as well as application dependent EMC relevant parameters may also be required but would be specified by the customer (OEM) and are not the focus of this document. See the full scope in Annex (includes a graph)

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Cierre del periodo de observaciones [20.60]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 22/SC 32
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