Four-time Paralympic winner champions accessibility in new ISO documentary

Does having a disability mean that you can’t realize your dreams? Four-time Paralympic champion proves that the answer is a definitive “No” in this new ISO documentary.

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My way – the story of Jean-Yves Le Meur follows the extraordinary French Paralympic champion Jean-Yves Le Meur as he improbably, heroically overcomes a tragic accident. Through trial and error, tears and laughter, this incredible man learns to overcome his suffering, by finding solace in his love of sports.

“From the earliest signs of consciousness, I had to live with the notion that I would not have my legs anymore. Either way, it was a different world from what I knew before. My hope is to give those who are wounded or are hurting that nothing is impossible – never say never!”

“Every sport seemed out of reach,” he says. “Thanks to my new artificial legs, I was able to reclaim my self-confidence and get my life back. I discovered a new way of physical activity. Sports became an outlet for physical exertion – badminton, table tennis, hiking, mountain climbing, hand cycling, sit-skiing. You name it, I did it!”

Not only does Jean-Yves Le Meur bravely face his own inevitable fate of a life with no legs, but through his unflinching courage and his extraordinary perseverance, he sparks a revolution by climbing the Mont-Blanc Mountain, chronicled in his story Faux pas. Part revolution, part revelation, this short documentary proves to people from all walks of life, that a world that is accessible, is always worth the ride.

“Living with a disability has opened more doors and more experiences than if I was an able-bodied person,” says Le Meur. “I have won 17 times French ski-sit championships, and won 2 World Cups, and took part in 4 Para-Olympics Games representing the French national team.”

“Through all these experiences over the past 20 years, I have met a lot of people and discovered a lot of beautiful things. But most of all, life is beautiful… and it’s even more beautiful when it’s accessible.”

To learn more about Le Meur’s triumph over tragedy, watch the new ISO documentary:

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Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis

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