This document contains the system framework, operation sequence and communication interface, general requirements for management functions, requirements and test procedures for an Automated Valet Driving System (AVDS). It is considered as an use case and ODD extension of ISO 23374 - 1Automated Valet Parking Systems (AVPS). The system operation consists of multiple phases. In general, it describes a low speed manoeuvring system with the task to drive without human intervention (SAE L4) from point A to point B either within a dedicated area (parking facility, company ground, and terminal) or in addition on predefined routes to the dedicated area. The operation ends when the vehicle has reached point B and is positioned at point B with a certain accuracy. Driving back from parking area towards external pick-up zone is also considered. This document provides a general system flow and detailed driving, waiting, hand-over sequences during each of these operation phases. The system is realized by cooperation of physically separated subsystems, in many cases provided from different entities. This document prescribes the system architecture and specifies the requirements for the communication between these subsystems. The vehicle operation of this system is highly automated (Level 4) and does not require human action during normal operation conditions. This feature is realized by the cooperation of the in-vehicle subsystem and AVDS local sub-system. This document specifies their task allocation and requirements as well as their test procedures. Requirements for the dedicated area and the predefined routes, including the environmental conditions and infrastructures are also specified in terms of the operational design domain. This document applies to all subsystems that comprise the system, and dedicated ODD capable of AVDS.
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Текущий статус: УдаленоЭтап: Проект исключен [20.98]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 204
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